Candidates Fined for Ethics Violations

 During the last Windcrest elections the Political Action Committee called "Go Windcrest" had several candidates hit with hefty fines for Ethics Violations.  Even the officials holding office in the PAC were fined.  Other Violations are still being  investigated today!
  Now it appears that PAC is no longer active in Windcrest politics.  The candidates are now being supported by a new PAC, called Team Windcrest PAC.   Evidently they liked this blog name.  This PAC has the same players, same candidates, only the name has been changed.  With the same players you can expect Ethics Violations once again,  as the Team Leader does not follow rules.
   Why do you suppose  THREE (3) people associated with Go Windcrest PAC received fines?  The Texas Ethics Commission has strict rules to follow to ensure fair elections.  Those fined were NOT following the Rules, shame on them.  These violators lack Integrity and Honesty for sure!


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